Podcast retreiver issues

David Perdue dave at minusvince.com
Tue Sep 18 18:51:02 UTC 2007

Paul Dunbar wrote:
> I've been using Amarok to grab podcasts for a while now and would like to
> share my observations.
> 1) Frequently, new episodes fail to download and are never retried
> automatically.
> 2) When "Retrieve all podcasts" is selected, lots of red x's seem to show
> up, and Amarok seems to be attempting to download from all (20+) sources at
> once - seemingly resulting in failure at least some of the time.
> 3) Occasionally, the same episode gets marked as new over and over again,
> always getting redownloaded (I've reported this as a bug before).
> For 1 & 2, I'd like to recommend a feature request - add support for Kget
> which has a connection pool and a queue capability.  I'm not sure how much
> work would be involved with that, but I really think it would add to the
> quality of Amarok when it comes to handling podcasts.

I think using KGet or another download manager is a great idea.  This
may be easier than trying to write a whole download manager for Amarok
podcasting.  I believe Amarok would be a much more attractive podcatcher
if the items above were addressed.  This would also take care of the
resuming podcast download problems I've been having.

Take care.

Dave Perdue

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