[Feedback] a suggestion

Boris sirro.mig at gmail.com
Wed Sep 12 21:21:25 UTC 2007

Hi Mark (& all),

On Wednesday 12 September 2007 Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> As for saving cover images in the tags: Currently TagLib

I don't know much about TagLib, but the API-documentation says that the class 
TagLib::ID3v2::AttachedPictureFrame has a setter setPicture(). And 
TagLib::Frame has addFrame() to add these Frames into ID3v2.
So I should be possible for formats supporting ID3v2, shouldn't it? (Without 
having tried :-))

Don't know if Ogg's XiphComment supports something like this, but it would be 
nice there too :-)

Is read-support for such images currently implemented? I'm not sure, but I 
think when I opened my itunes drm-free songs in amarok some time ago the 
cover was there without downloading 


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