Improved musicbrainz support

Ian Monroe ian at
Tue Sep 11 21:49:33 UTC 2007

On 9/11/07, Frederik Holljen <fh at> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm in need of better musicbrainz tagging support. More specifically I need
> support for:
> - tagging albums
> - tagging more than one single at the time
> Of course, I don't expect you to do anything, but plan to implement this
> myself. But before I dive any deeper into  it:
> - anything like this discussed or implemented before?

It has been discussed for years but hasn't been implemented. The
musicbrainz library has (at least in the past) been really crappy
quality so there hasn't been much energy to invest in musicbrainz.

A couple of years ago I actually submitted a Google Summer of Code
project to add album-based tagging using Amazon to get the track
information. It didn't get accepted and I never implemented it, but
anyways tagging a whole album at a time makes a lot of sense to me.

> - is it welcome into the kde 3.x branch?

Not really, the 1.4 branch is for bug fixes only.

> - would you accept the patch?

For 2.0 sure, or commit yourself.

> Cheers,
> Frederik

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