Dynamic playlist based on smart playlist

Mark Fraser kde at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Mon Sep 3 07:47:40 UTC 2007

On Sunday 02 September 2007 11:09:36 Amara Emerson wrote:

> > If I create my own smart playlist containing a few rules of what tracks
> > to exclude and then create a dynamic playlist, if I later add more tracks
> > to my collection will the smart and thus dynamic playlist automatically
> > update?
> >
> > Or would I have to load the smart playlist every time I add more tracks?
> You will only have to update the smart playlist, the dynamic playlist
> uses the new one automatically.

OK thanks, what is the easyest way of updating the smart playlist? At the 
moment I click on my smart playlist and then on my dynamic playlist, but it 
would be great if I could just rightclick on the smart playlist and select 

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