Amarok, labels and smart playlists

Gleb Litvjak blaster999 at
Thu Nov 1 18:28:14 UTC 2007

Hi all,

I've been an Amarok user for quite a long time (since v. 1.1), and it's the 
best player I've ever seen. It's easy to use yet very powerful, and it helped 
me to organize my collection, which I would never try to do by hand.

Now, to the not-so-pleasant things. Amarok's smart playlists is a great 
feature. It allows to select songs from the collection based on custom 
conditions. I tried to create a smart playlist, containing all rock songs 
downloaded from Jamendo. So I added 2 conditions in the section "match all of 
the following":
Label contains "rock"
Label contains "jamendo"

(I have added "jamendo" label to all the songs downloaded from there). The 
result is unexpected: I get an empty playlist. Aparently, Amarok searches for 
songs, containing both "rock" and "jamendo" in the same label, while it 
should look in all labels for the same song. Another annoyance is that if a 
song has both "rock" and "hard rock" as labels, it will be selected twice if 
the condition is 'Label contains "rock"'. In my opinion this behavior differs 
from the expected - can we call it a bug?

Best regards,
Registered Linux user #439949

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