[Feedback] Suggestion

apbg4 at free.fr apbg4 at free.fr
Wed Mar 14 15:16:51 UTC 2007

Mathias Bavay sent a message using the contact form at

First of all, thank you for the amazing work you are doing with Amarok!! I
would just like to suggest a feature that should be nice (it is more or
less in line with what I have understood about the future GUI of Amarok):
when browsing by albums, why not trying to display the album art? It would
look very nice and it would help the user to make the connection with their
"real world" CDs. 

I think about it every time I use the cover manager: it makes me
"rediscover" some albums that I have, by recognizing their cover (but I can
not play them /add them to the playlist from there). So, a thumbnail of the
album art on the side when browsing by albums could be (at least in my
mind) a big plus!


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