duplicate remover

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Sat Jun 9 13:58:21 UTC 2007

Luke wrote:
> I want to write a duplicate song remover plugin.  Not
> just removed from the playlist but deleted from the
> disk.  I searched the wiki for "duplicate" and didn't
> find one so I assume it isn't already written.  I want
> it to be smart: delete the song with the lower
> bitrate, make softlinks when a compilation is
> involved, make the most complete ID3 tag replacing
> "Unknown" with what is known amongst the dups, etc...
> First step would be to write a bunch of SQL scripts to
> identify dups.  On that front is the default amarok
> database sufficient or should I regen my database to
> the mysql version?  I'm very impressed how amarok can
> tell if two different songs are in the same album
> (even when the ID3 tags don't align 1to1) so I should
> probably research how that works.

I don't necessarily want to delete from disk but I certainly don't want
dupes showing up in the collection/playlist.

I have an NFS share will all my music on it and my Laptop mirrors part
of that.

When I connect the share, quite a lot of tracks show up twice! I thought
that AFT (or whatever the latest acro is!) prevented this, but alas it
seems not.

Perhaps it's just my settings tho'.


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