duplicate remover

Luke colorado_mountains2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 8 17:25:12 UTC 2007

I want to write a duplicate song remover plugin.  Not
just removed from the playlist but deleted from the
disk.  I searched the wiki for "duplicate" and didn't
find one so I assume it isn't already written.  I want
it to be smart: delete the song with the lower
bitrate, make softlinks when a compilation is
involved, make the most complete ID3 tag replacing
"Unknown" with what is known amongst the dups, etc...

First step would be to write a bunch of SQL scripts to
identify dups.  On that front is the default amarok
database sufficient or should I regen my database to
the mysql version?  I'm very impressed how amarok can
tell if two different songs are in the same album
(even when the ID3 tags don't align 1to1) so I should
probably research how that works.

Any advice is appreciated thanks,

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