[Feedback] CoverBling suggestions

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at kde.org
Wed Jul 18 20:39:17 UTC 2007

On 7/18/07, klarre at gmail.com <klarre at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to make some suggestions for the CoverBling feature:
> 1. Ability to use it as an "album playlist" with drag and drop. So that
> one could "throw" in some albums from the context view or somewhere else
> and Amarok would play them in that order.
> 2. Ability to use CoverBling for "album shuffle" (randomize the order of
> the albums in CoverBling), or "album sort".
> 3. Ability to do a "manual shuffle" by holding the mouse button and
> dragging quickly and then release the button and the CoverBling could spin
> around like a roulette and stop on an album to play.
> 4. Pushing some button (on the mouse perhaps) could smoothly switch from
> the standard CoverBling view to a thumbnail view similar to the "unfolding
> of the box" that you might have seen in Compiz/Beryl. This view could be
> sorted by for example year or name (the samething as the playlist).

Klaus, thanks a lot for your suggestions! We'll definitely consider
these once we have the basic mechanics of CoverBling running.

Thanks again, and have fun :)


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