Kinda OT: Amarok for Windows

John Meyer johnmeyer at
Thu Jul 12 13:56:39 UTC 2007

Seb Ruiz wrote:
> On 12/07/07, John Meyer <johnmeyer at> wrote:
>> Okay, I have to transfer to Windows for a while (starting up a computer
>> repair business, and when is the last time you heard of a *nix guy
>> needing a computer repair person before trying to fix it himself?) and
>> I'm wondering two things:
>> 1.  Is there or will there ever be a Windows version of Amarok out?
> We hope to have a windows release for Amarok 2.
> You could run Amarok under windows using either X forwarding from a
> linux box, or using a virtual image or something i suppose.
> Seb

The real reason I'm staying out of Linux is not for any fault, by the
way; it's just trying to figure out how my customers are thinking and
what they're going through.  I've gotten a couple of responses and I'll
try those.  BTW, besides playing both mp3 and/or ogg natively, the
biggest thing I'd like to have is the ability to fetch lyrics and to
store in a database such as MySQL or PostgreSQL

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