Amarok booth at FOSDEM

Sven Krohlas sven at
Mon Jan 22 08:52:44 UTC 2007

(Reply-to: amarok-promo at


I think we should start planning our booth at FOSDEM in a few weeks.
Currently I know:
*Mark and I are going there
*some others were interested, but I'm not sure who will join us for sure
*Mark mailed land0 to get some promotional stuff (will be mailed to Bart,
  if possible)
*I'm going to have a lightning talk on Sunday about advanced and well
  hidden Amarok features. If someone wants to see a certain feature there
  just give me an hint. ;)

So, who will be there for sure?

Bart, how does the booth look like? How much space do we have, are there
some furnitures, etc?

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