
Erik Hovland erik at
Mon Feb 26 23:47:16 UTC 2007

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 05:29:25PM -0600, Jan Depner wrote:
> I have placed jpegs of the covers of each album in each directory.  They
> are all named front.jpg.  Sometimes they display and sometimes they
> don't.  Is there any rhyme or reason to this?  Also, how do I clear the
> cover manager of downloaded covers?  TIA.

Change the name to 'cover.jpg'. At least that is what I did.

You can select all of the covers by dragging a selection square around
them all and then right-click on the selected covers. There should be a
menu item in the right-click that says 'Unset covers'. Clicking that
should remove any cover that was selected.


Erik Hovland
mail: erik at
PGP/GPG public key available on request

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