Script and Extension Interface in Amarok 2.0 [Was: Re: Fullscreen-Interface and Amarok 2.0]

Mark Kretschmann markey at
Fri Feb 9 16:50:04 UTC 2007

Please note that this is also a matter of design decisions. Our design 
philosophy has always been:

"The application does not have to be very flexible. Instead, it should be very 
usable out of the box."

This is a very different philosophy in contrast to what Firefox, or maybe as a 
better example, Foobar2000 do. These programs are insanely flexible and 
extensive, but they also *require* you to install extensions to become 

Amarok's design is more like Opera: Popular features are built straight into 
the application. This way we have full control, and we can ensure that 
features actually integrate well in the user interface.

On Friday 09 February 2007 17:13, James Heaver wrote:
> I agree with these sentiments EXACTLY.  Extensions are the biggest selling
> point of Firefox. *insert Spanish Inquisition sketch* along with added
> security and it not being Microsoft.  It is a central part of the firefox
> experience.
> In amarok it feels like its under the hood more - a bit for those who know
> what they're doing to fiddle with.  And as Jan says, 'feels' is the
> operative word here.
> I also think there is great benefit in having a more extensive page about
> each extension, a la firefox.  It gives the opportunity to provide more
> information, user feedback, more detailed information of configuration
> options and so on.


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