Interface language doesn't follow LC_MESSAGES

Ian Monroe ian at
Fri Apr 20 15:08:09 UTC 2007

Is your LC_ALL set?

But anyways it appears your coming up to this bug:

On 4/20/07, Martin Swift <martin at> wrote:
> Dear Amarok community,
> I only recently installed Amarok after a long time avoiding these
> feature (over?)full clients. Well, I'm pretty impressed. Many thanks
> to the developers!
> I was, however, pretty surpised that parts of the interface are in
> Icelandic. Now, my LANG variable is set to is_IS.utf8, but since I
> prefer English interfaces, I've also set LC_MESSAGES=en_GB.utf8.
> Since it is written "for" KDE, I take it that it uses the Qt widget
> set. The only other Qt based applications I've used are Qtorrent (no
> longer, though), Skype and Opera. None of these display any of
> Icelandic.
> Shouldn't the interface follow the localization setting in the
> LC_MESSAGES environment variable?
> Sincerely,
> Martin Swift
> --
> \u270C
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