[lastfm] 1.4-SVN [NOTstripped][validity: 0.97][frames: 128][line numbers][xine]

Dan Meltzer hydrogen at notyetimplemented.com
Thu Apr 19 16:08:29 UTC 2007

It happened again :(

A bit more context from this one:

Amarok tried to load the lastfm stream and start playing a second song at the 
same time, it hung.

Amarok has crashed! We are terribly sorry about this :(

But, all is not lost! You could potentially help us fix the crash. Information 
describing the crash is below, so just click send, or if you have time, write 
a brief description of how the crash happened first.

Many thanks.

The information below is to help the developers identify the problem, please 
do not modify it.

======== DEBUG INFORMATION  =======
Version:    1.4-SVN
Engine:     xine-engine
Build date: Apr  3 2007
CC version: 4.1.1 (Gentoo 4.1.1-r3)
KDElibs:    3.5.6
Qt:         3.3.8
TagLib:     1.4.0
CPU count:  1

==== file `which amarokapp` =======
/usr/kde/3.5/bin/amarokapp: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 
(SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not 

==== (gdb) bt =====================
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread -1258916144 (LWP 10314)]
[New Thread -1311569008 (LWP 15611)]
[New Thread -1303176304 (LWP 11360)]
[New Thread -1294783600 (LWP 11359)]
[New Thread -1263297648 (LWP 11358)]
[New Thread -1272972400 (LWP 11348)]
0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f682cb in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0x0804e0bf in Amarok::Crash::crashHandler ()
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/amarokcore/crashhandler.cpp:249
#3  <signal handler called>
#4  QString::deref (this=0x807d14c) at tools/qshared.h:50
#5  0xb69797ec in QString::operator= (this=0x807d14c, s=@0x860100c)
    at tools/qstring.cpp:1594
#6  0xb66d04ae in QUrl::operator= (this=0x84bc9c0, url=@0xbfb65b74)
    at kernel/qurl.cpp:47
#7  0xb7c35dc3 in LastFm::WebService::handshake (this=0x84bc980, 
    username=@0xbfb65c14, password=@0xbfb65c10)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/lastfm.cpp:423
#8  0xb7c363d8 in LastFm::Controller::getNewProxy (this=0x81d0d78, 
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/lastfm.cpp:176
#9  0xb7c05d03 in EngineController::play (this=0xb7f0c7a0, bundle=@0x835d9b0, 
    offset=0) at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:404
#10 0xb7cb09c2 in Playlist::activate (this=0x8194aa8, item=0x835da6c)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.cpp:1667
#11 0xb7cb24da in Playlist::playNextTrack (this=0x8194aa8, forceNext=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.cpp:1146
#12 0xb7cb7132 in Playlist::qt_invoke (this=0x8194aa8, _id=116, _o=0xbfb66184)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.moc:497
#13 0xb66ac889 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0xb7f0c7a0, clist=0x819a458, 
    o=0xbfb66184) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
#14 0xb66acf65 in QObject::activate_signal_bool (this=0xb7f0c7a0, signal=4, 
    param=false) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2452
#15 0xb7c04770 in EngineController::orderNext (this=0xb7f0c7a0, t0=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.moc:220
#16 0xb7c047ad in EngineController::next (this=0xb7f0c7a0, forceNext=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:327
#17 0xb7c0870f in EngineController::trackFinished (this=0xb7f0c7a0)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.h:76
#18 0xb7c04cc2 in EngineController::slotMainTimer (this=0xb7f0c7a0)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:701
#19 0xb7c07c62 in EngineController::qt_invoke (this=0xb7f0c7a0, _id=28, 
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.moc:258
#20 0xb66ac889 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x80eb7b8, clist=0x80f65d8, 
    o=0xbfb662f8) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
#21 0xb66ad4dd in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x80eb7b8, signal=2)
    at kernel/qobject.cpp:2325
#22 0xb69e1a99 in QTimer::timeout (this=0x80eb7b8)
    at .moc/release-shared-mt/moc_qtimer.cpp:82
#23 0xb66cf92e in QTimer::event (this=0x80eb7b8, e=0xbfb665b4)
    at kernel/qtimer.cpp:219
#24 0xb664d7f7 in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfb667b8, 
    receiver=0x80eb7b8, e=0xbfb665b4) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2635
#25 0xb664e371 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfb667b8, receiver=0x80eb7b8, 
    e=0xbfb665b4) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2358
#26 0xb6c4e2ae in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfb667b8, receiver=0x80eb7b8, 
    event=0xbfb665b4) at kapplication.cpp:550
#27 0xb6642989 in QEventLoop::activateTimers (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qapplication.h:496
#28 0xb65fdb8c in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x80a6eb0, flags=4)
    at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:389
#29 0xb6663ef0 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:198
#30 0xb6663d76 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:145
#31 0xb664d28f in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfb667b8)
    at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2758
#32 0x0804d0d2 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfb66944)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/main.cpp:114
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
No symbol table info available.
#1  0xb5f682cb in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x0804e0bf in Amarok::Crash::crashHandler ()
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/amarokcore/crashhandler.cpp:249
	pid = 15619
#3  <signal handler called>
No symbol table info available.
#4  QString::deref (this=0x807d14c) at tools/qshared.h:50
No locals.
#5  0xb69797ec in QString::operator= (this=0x807d14c, s=@0x860100c)
    at tools/qstring.cpp:1594
No locals.
#6  0xb66d04ae in QUrl::operator= (this=0x84bc9c0, url=@0xbfb65b74)
    at kernel/qurl.cpp:47
No locals.
#7  0xb7c35dc3 in LastFm::WebService::handshake (this=0x84bc980, 
    username=@0xbfb65c14, password=@0xbfb65c10)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/lastfm.cpp:423
	uniquelyNamedStackAllocatedStandardBlock = {m_start = {
    tv_sec = 1176998704, tv_usec = 315826}, 
  m_label = 0xb7ea80e0 "bool LastFm::WebService::handshake(const QString&, 
const QString&)"}
	http = {<QObject> = {<Qt> = {static color0 = @0xb6b136a0, 
      static color1 = @0xb6b136a8, static black = @0xb6b136b0, 
      static white = @0xb6b136b8, static darkGray = @0xb6b136c0, 
      static gray = @0xb6b136c8, static lightGray = @0xb6b136d0, 
      static red = @0xb6b136d8, static green = @0xb6b136e0, 
      static blue = @0xb6b136e8, static cyan = @0xb6b136f0, 
      static magenta = @0xb6b136f8, static yellow = @0xb6b13700, 
      static darkRed = @0xb6b13708, static darkGreen = @0xb6b13710, 
      static darkBlue = @0xb6b13718, static darkCyan = @0xb6b13720, 
      static darkMagenta = @0xb6b13728, static darkYellow = @0xb6b13730, 
      static arrowCursor = @0xb6b11e00, static upArrowCursor = @0xb6b11e04, 
      static crossCursor = @0xb6b11e08, static waitCursor = @0xb6b11e0c, 
      static ibeamCursor = @0xb6b11e10, static sizeVerCursor = @0xb6b11e14, 
      static sizeHorCursor = @0xb6b11e18, 
      static sizeBDiagCursor = @0xb6b11e1c, 
      static sizeFDiagCursor = @0xb6b11e20, 
      static sizeAllCursor = @0xb6b11e24, static blankCursor = @0xb6b11e28, 
      static splitVCursor = @0xb6b11e2c, static splitHCursor = @0xb6b11e30, 
      static pointingHandCursor = @0xb6b11e34, 
      static forbiddenCursor = @0xb6b11e38, 
      static whatsThisCursor = @0xb6b11e3c, static busyCursor = @0xb6b11e40}, 
    _vptr.QObject = 0xb7ee7ca8, static metaObj = 0x8076960, isSignal = 0, 
    isWidget = 0, pendTimer = 0, blockSig = 0, wasDeleted = 0, isTree = 1, 
    objname = 0x0, parentObj = 0x0, childObjects = 0x0, connections = 0x0, 
    senderObjects = 0x86bf010, eventFilters = 0x0, postedEvents = 0x0, 
    d = 0x0}, static metaObj = 0x85c33c0, m_hostname = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x84b93e8, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_port = 80, m_path = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_state = QHttp::Unconnected, 
  m_error = QHttp::NoError, m_done = true, m_result = {<QGArray> = {
      _vptr.QGArray = 0x8066028, shd = 0x83c5dc8}, <No data fields>}}
	path = {static null = {
    static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
    d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x84aab70, 
  static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}
	result = {static null = {
    static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
    d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x840c900, 
  static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}
	socket = (LastFm::MyServerSocket *) 0xbfb65be8
	port = 134537545
	line = {static null = {
    static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
    d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0xb5a04120, 
  static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool LastFm::WebService::handshake(const QString&, 
const QString&)"
#8  0xb7c363d8 in LastFm::Controller::getNewProxy (this=0x81d0d78, 
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/lastfm.cpp:176
	user = {static null = {
    static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
    d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x81a8ec0, 
  static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}
	pass = {static null = {
    static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
    d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x81a9d10, 
  static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}
	uniquelyNamedStackAllocatedStandardBlock = {m_start = {
    tv_sec = 1176998704, tv_usec = 315781}, 
  m_label = 0xb7ea8180 "KURL LastFm::Controller::getNewProxy(QString)"}
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "KURL LastFm::Controller::getNewProxy(QString)"
#9  0xb7c05d03 in EngineController::play (this=0xb7f0c7a0, bundle=@0x835d9b0, 
    offset=0) at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:404
	uniquelyNamedStackAllocatedStandardBlock = {m_start = {
    tv_sec = 1176998704, tv_usec = 264413}, 
  m_label = 0xb7ea32c0 "void EngineController::play(const MetaBundle&, uint)"}
	url = {m_strProtocol = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x82d7148, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_strUser = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_strPass = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_strHost = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8245f20, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_strPath = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x81b7da8, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_strRef_encoded = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_strQuery_encoded = {static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, m_bIsMalformed = false, 
  m_iUriMode = URL, freeForUse = 6, m_iPort = 0, m_strPath_encoded = {
    static null = {
      static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
      d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8329a80, 
    static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x2}
	totalTracks = 137746864
	currentTrack = 11951592
	failure_time = {ds = 43504618}
	__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void EngineController::play(const MetaBundle&, uint)"
#10 0xb7cb09c2 in Playlist::activate (this=0x8194aa8, item=0x835da6c)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.cpp:1667
No locals.
#11 0xb7cb24da in Playlist::playNextTrack (this=0x8194aa8, forceNext=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.cpp:1146
	item = (class PlaylistItem *) 0x835d9b0
#12 0xb7cb7132 in Playlist::qt_invoke (this=0x8194aa8, _id=116, _o=0xbfb66184)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.moc:497
No locals.
#13 0xb66ac889 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0xb7f0c7a0, clist=0x819a458, 
    o=0xbfb66184) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
	object = (class QObject *) 0xb5a0412c
	sol = (QSenderObjectList *) 0x81958e0
	oldSender = (class QObject *) 0x0
	c = <value optimized out>
#14 0xb66acf65 in QObject::activate_signal_bool (this=0xb7f0c7a0, signal=4, 
    param=false) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2452
	o = {{type = 0xb6b14ff0, payload = {b = 216, c = -40 'Ø', s = -27688, 
      i = 139170776, l = 139170776, uc = 216 'Ø', us = 37848, ui = 139170776, 
      ul = 139170776, f = 6.12618799e-34, d = -0.087433220887376151, 
      byte = "Ø\223K\b\006b¶¿\202\027B\bhüï·", bytearray = {
        data = 0x84b93d8 "htL\bHxA\b\020", size = 3216400902}, 
      ptr = 0x84b93d8, voidstar = {ptr = 0x84b93d8, owner = 6}, charstar = {
        ptr = 0x84b93d8 "htL\bHxA\b\020", owner = 6}, utf8 = {
        ptr = 0x84b93d8 "htL\bHxA\b\020", owner = 6}, local8bit = {
        ptr = 0x84b93d8 "htL\bHxA\b\020", owner = 6}, iface = 0x84b93d8, 
      idisp = 0x84b93d8}}, {type = 0xb6b15054, payload = {b = false, 
      c = 0 '\0', s = -27904, i = 139170560, l = 139170560, uc = 0 '\0', 
      us = 37632, ui = 139170560, ul = 139170560, f = 6.12608881e-34, 
      d = 7.3704498965390674e-270, byte = "\000\223K\bp&\017\b8b¶í¯¿
      bytearray = {data = 0x84b9300 "Ð\223;\b\021", size = 135210608}, 
      ptr = 0x84b9300, voidstar = {ptr = 0x84b9300, owner = 112}, charstar = {
        ptr = 0x84b9300 "Ð\223;\b\021", owner = 112}, utf8 = {
        ptr = 0x84b9300 "Ð\223;\b\021", owner = 112}, local8bit = {
        ptr = 0x84b9300 "Ð\223;\b\021", owner = 112}, iface = 0x84b9300, 
      idisp = 0x84b9300}}}
#15 0xb7c04770 in EngineController::orderNext (this=0xb7f0c7a0, t0=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.moc:220
No locals.
#16 0xb7c047ad in EngineController::next (this=0xb7f0c7a0, forceNext=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:327
No locals.
#17 0xb7c0870f in EngineController::trackFinished (this=0xb7f0c7a0)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.h:76
No locals.
#18 0xb7c04cc2 in EngineController::slotMainTimer (this=0xb7f0c7a0)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:701
	position = 295235
#19 0xb7c07c62 in EngineController::qt_invoke (this=0xb7f0c7a0, _id=28, 
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.moc:258
No locals.
#20 0xb66ac889 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x80eb7b8, clist=0x80f65d8, 
    o=0xbfb662f8) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
	object = (class QObject *) 0xb5a0412c
	sol = (QSenderObjectList *) 0x80f1348
	oldSender = (class QObject *) 0x0
	c = <value optimized out>
#21 0xb66ad4dd in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x80eb7b8, signal=2)
    at kernel/qobject.cpp:2325
	o = {{type = 0xb6b14ff0, payload = {b = 189, c = -67 '½', s = -17731, 
      i = -1233864003, l = -1233864003, uc = 189 '½', us = 47805, 
      ui = 3061103293, ul = 3061103293, f = -3.64675293e-06, 
      d = 1.1858947988304157e-269, 
      byte = "½ºt¶`\017\031\b\003\000\000\000Xc¶¿", bytearray = {
        data = 0xb674babd "\204Àt\017\213E\fö@\004\002u\026\215¶", 
        size = 135860064}, ptr = 0xb674babd, voidstar = {ptr = 0xb674babd, 
        owner = 96}, charstar = {
        ptr = 0xb674babd "\204Àt\017\213E\fö@\004\002u\026\215¶", 
        owner = 96}, utf8 = {
        ptr = 0xb674babd "\204Àt\017\213E\fö@\004\002u\026\215¶", 
        owner = 96}, local8bit = {
        ptr = 0xb674babd "\204Àt\017\213E\fö@\004\002u\026\215¶", 
        owner = 96}, iface = 0xb674babd, idisp = 0xb674babd}}}
#22 0xb69e1a99 in QTimer::timeout (this=0x80eb7b8)
    at .moc/release-shared-mt/moc_qtimer.cpp:82
No locals.
#23 0xb66cf92e in QTimer::event (this=0x80eb7b8, e=0xbfb665b4)
    at kernel/qtimer.cpp:219
No locals.
#24 0xb664d7f7 in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfb667b8, 
    receiver=0x80eb7b8, e=0xbfb665b4) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2635
	consumed = <value optimized out>
#25 0xb664e371 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfb667b8, receiver=0x80eb7b8, 
    e=0xbfb665b4) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2358
	res = <value optimized out>
#26 0xb6c4e2ae in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfb667b8, receiver=0x80eb7b8, 
    event=0xbfb665b4) at kapplication.cpp:550
	key = {m_sym = 135104952, m_mod = 135415352}
	edit = (class QLineEdit *) 0x80a6dbc
	medit = (class QTextEdit *) 0x80a6dbc
	t = Timer
	ic = (class QPixmap *) 0x81604b8
	_selectAll = (const KShortcut &) @0xb6dcd7ec: {m_nSeqs = 1, 
  m_rgseq = {{m_nKeys = 1 '\001', m_bTriggerOnRelease = 0 '\0', m_rgvar = {{
          m_sym = 97, m_mod = 2}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, 
          m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}}, d = 0x0}, {m_nKeys = 0 '\0', 
      m_bTriggerOnRelease = 0 '\0', m_rgvar = {{m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {
          m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, m_mod = 0}, {m_sym = 0, 
          m_mod = 0}}, d = 0x0}}, d = 0x0}
#27 0xb6642989 in QEventLoop::activateTimers (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qapplication.h:496
	e = {<QEvent> = {<Qt> = {static color0 = @0xb6b136a0, 
      static color1 = @0xb6b136a8, static black = @0xb6b136b0, 
      static white = @0xb6b136b8, static darkGray = @0xb6b136c0, 
      static gray = @0xb6b136c8, static lightGray = @0xb6b136d0, 
      static red = @0xb6b136d8, static green = @0xb6b136e0, 
      static blue = @0xb6b136e8, static cyan = @0xb6b136f0, 
      static magenta = @0xb6b136f8, static yellow = @0xb6b13700, 
      static darkRed = @0xb6b13708, static darkGreen = @0xb6b13710, 
      static darkBlue = @0xb6b13718, static darkCyan = @0xb6b13720, 
      static darkMagenta = @0xb6b13728, static darkYellow = @0xb6b13730, 
      static arrowCursor = @0xb6b11e00, static upArrowCursor = @0xb6b11e04, 
      static crossCursor = @0xb6b11e08, static waitCursor = @0xb6b11e0c, 
      static ibeamCursor = @0xb6b11e10, static sizeVerCursor = @0xb6b11e14, 
      static sizeHorCursor = @0xb6b11e18, 
      static sizeBDiagCursor = @0xb6b11e1c, 
      static sizeFDiagCursor = @0xb6b11e20, 
      static sizeAllCursor = @0xb6b11e24, static blankCursor = @0xb6b11e28, 
      static splitVCursor = @0xb6b11e2c, static splitHCursor = @0xb6b11e30, 
      static pointingHandCursor = @0xb6b11e34, 
      static forbiddenCursor = @0xb6b11e38, 
      static whatsThisCursor = @0xb6b11e3c, static busyCursor = @0xb6b11e40}, 
    _vptr.QEvent = 0xb6ae42a0, t = QEvent::Timer, posted = 0, spont = 0}, 
  id = 104}
	first = <value optimized out>
	currentTime = {tv_sec = 1176998704, tv_usec = 263364}
	n_act = 1
	begin = (TimerInfo *) 0x8622458
	t = <value optimized out>
#28 0xb65fdb8c in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x80a6eb0, flags=4)
    at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:389
	event = {type = 28, xany = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341}, xkey = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    root = 318, subwindow = 177664129, time = 0, x = 0, y = 0, x_root = 0, 
    y_root = 0, state = 0, keycode = 4, same_screen = 1}, xbutton = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    window = 341, root = 318, subwindow = 177664129, time = 0, x = 0, y = 0, 
    x_root = 0, y_root = 0, state = 0, button = 4, same_screen = 1}, 
  xmotion = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, root = 318, subwindow = 177664129, 
    time = 0, x = 0, y = 0, x_root = 0, y_root = 0, state = 0, 
    is_hint = 4 '\004', same_screen = 1}, xcrossing = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    root = 318, subwindow = 177664129, time = 0, x = 0, y = 0, x_root = 0, 
    y_root = 0, mode = 0, detail = 4, same_screen = 1, focus = 1, state = 0}, 
  xfocus = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, mode = 318, detail = 177664129}, 
  xexpose = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, x = 318, y = 177664129, width = 0, 
    height = 0, count = 0}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, drawable = 341, x = 318, 
    y = 177664129, width = 0, height = 0, count = 0, major_code = 0, 
    minor_code = 0}, xnoexpose = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, drawable = 341, major_code = 318, 
    minor_code = 177664129}, xvisibility = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, state = 318}, 
  xcreatewindow = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, parent = 341, window = 318, x = 177664129, y = 0, 
    width = 0, height = 0, border_width = 0, override_redirect = 0}, 
  xdestroywindow = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, event = 341, window = 318}, xunmap = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, event = 341, 
    window = 318, from_configure = 177664129}, xmap = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, event = 341, 
    window = 318, override_redirect = 177664129}, xmaprequest = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, parent = 341, 
    window = 318}, xreparent = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, event = 341, window = 318, 
    parent = 177664129, x = 0, y = 0, override_redirect = 0}, xconfigure = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    event = 341, window = 318, x = 177664129, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, 
    border_width = 0, above = 0, override_redirect = 0}, xgravity = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    event = 341, window = 318, x = 177664129, y = 0}, xresizerequest = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    window = 341, width = 318, height = 177664129}, xconfigurerequest = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    parent = 341, window = 318, x = 177664129, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0, 
    border_width = 0, above = 0, detail = 0, value_mask = 4}, xcirculate = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    event = 341, window = 318, place = 177664129}, xcirculaterequest = {
    type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, 
    parent = 341, window = 318, place = 177664129}, xproperty = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    atom = 318, time = 177664129, state = 0}, xselectionclear = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    selection = 318, time = 177664129}, xselectionrequest = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, owner = 341, 
    requestor = 318, selection = 177664129, target = 0, property = 0, 
    time = 0}, xselection = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, requestor = 341, selection = 318, 
    target = 177664129, property = 0, time = 0}, xcolormap = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    colormap = 318, c_new = 177664129, state = 0}, xclient = {type = 28, 
    serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    message_type = 318, format = 177664129, data = {
      b = '\0' <repeats 19 times>, s = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, l = {
        0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}}, xmapping = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, 
    send_event = 0, display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, request = 318, 
    first_keycode = 177664129, count = 0}, xerror = {type = 28, 
    display = 0x6644636, resourceid = 0, serial = 134766064, 
    error_code = 85 'U', request_code = 1 '\001', minor_code = 0 '\0'}, 
  xkeymap = {type = 28, serial = 107234870, send_event = 0, 
    display = 0x8085df0, window = 341, 
    key_vector = ">\001\000\000\201ð\226\n", '\0' <repeats 23 times>}, pad = 
    28, 107234870, 0, 134766064, 341, 318, 177664129, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 
    1, 0, 7471221, 6619250, 7602286, 6422623, 7864431, 6881325, 6684782}}
	nevents = 0
	canWait = true
	tm = (timeval *) 0xb6b13564
	highest = 31
	nsel = 0
	t = {0xb6ac9312 "Read", 0xb6ac931d "Write", 0xb6a1e08e "Exception"}
	zerotm = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 0}
#29 0xb6663ef0 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:198
No locals.
#30 0xb6663d76 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:145
No locals.
#31 0xb664d28f in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfb667b8)
    at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2758
No locals.
#32 0x0804d0d2 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfb66944)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/main.cpp:114
	app = {<KApplication> = {<QApplication> = {<QObject> = {<Qt> = {
          static color0 = @0xb6b136a0, static color1 = @0xb6b136a8, 
          static black = @0xb6b136b0, static white = @0xb6b136b8, 
          static darkGray = @0xb6b136c0, static gray = @0xb6b136c8, 
          static lightGray = @0xb6b136d0, static red = @0xb6b136d8, 
          static green = @0xb6b136e0, static blue = @0xb6b136e8, 
          static cyan = @0xb6b136f0, static magenta = @0xb6b136f8, 
          static yellow = @0xb6b13700, static darkRed = @0xb6b13708, 
          static darkGreen = @0xb6b13710, static darkBlue = @0xb6b13718, 
          static darkCyan = @0xb6b13720, static darkMagenta = @0xb6b13728, 
          static darkYellow = @0xb6b13730, static arrowCursor = @0xb6b11e00, 
          static upArrowCursor = @0xb6b11e04, 
          static crossCursor = @0xb6b11e08, static waitCursor = @0xb6b11e0c, 
          static ibeamCursor = @0xb6b11e10, 
          static sizeVerCursor = @0xb6b11e14, 
          static sizeHorCursor = @0xb6b11e18, 
          static sizeBDiagCursor = @0xb6b11e1c, 
          static sizeFDiagCursor = @0xb6b11e20, 
          static sizeAllCursor = @0xb6b11e24, 
          static blankCursor = @0xb6b11e28, 
          static splitVCursor = @0xb6b11e2c, 
          static splitHCursor = @0xb6b11e30, 
          static pointingHandCursor = @0xb6b11e34, 
          static forbiddenCursor = @0xb6b11e38, 
          static whatsThisCursor = @0xb6b11e3c, 
          static busyCursor = @0xb6b11e40}, _vptr.QObject = 0xb7edff08, 
        static metaObj = 0x8076960, isSignal = 0, isWidget = 0, 
        pendTimer = 0, blockSig = 0, wasDeleted = 0, isTree = 1, 
        objname = 0x80a4040 "amarok", parentObj = 0x0, 
        childObjects = 0x80a34f8, connections = 0x80b23d8, 
        senderObjects = 0x80d3c40, eventFilters = 0x80b1ec0, 
        postedEvents = 0x0, d = 0x0}, static metaObj = 0x80e55f0, 
      static qt_mutex = 0x80a6ea0, app_argc = 1, app_argv = 0x80829a0, 
      quit_now = false, quit_code = 0, static app_style = 0x80df868, 
      static app_cspec = 0, static app_pal = 0x80a7138, 
      static app_font = 0x80a7188, static app_cursor = 0x0, 
      static eventloop = 0x80a6eb0, static app_tracking = 1, 
      static is_app_running = true, static is_app_closing = false, 
      static app_exit_loop = <optimized out>, static loop_level = 0, 
      static main_widget = 0x0, static focus_widget = 0x82059c0, 
      static active_window = 0x8124b58, static obey_desktop_settings = false, 
      static cursor_flash_time = 1000, static mouse_double_click_time = 400, 
      static wheel_scroll_lines = 3, static composedUnicode = 0, 
      static animate_ui = true, static animate_menu = true, 
      static animate_tooltip = true, static animate_combo = true, 
      static fade_menu = true, static fade_tooltip = true, 
      static animate_toolbox = false, static widgetCount = false, 
      static metaComposeUnicode = false, translators = 0x80c05d8, 
      session_manager = 0x80a6d28, session_id = {static null = {
          static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
          d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x80aa148, 
        static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, static session_key = 0x80a6b48, 
      is_session_restored = true, static app_strut = {wd = 0, ht = 0}, 
      static app_libpaths = 0x80af5d0, static app_palettes = 0x80a7c80, 
      static app_fonts = 0x80d30d8, 
      static popupWidgets = 0x0}, <KInstance> = {
      _vptr.KInstance = 0xb7edff94, _dirs = 0x80b1a80, _config = 0x80b18e0, 
      _iconLoader = 0x8125260, _name = {<QMemArray<char>> = {<QGArray> = {
            _vptr.QGArray = 0xb6af1ae8, 
            shd = 0x80b15a0}, <No data fields>}, <No data fields>}, 
      _aboutData = 0x80665b8, d = 0x80b15b0}, static metaObj = 0x80e55b8, 
    display = 0x8085df0, kipcCommAtom = 302, kipcEventMask = 511, 
    static KApp = 0xbfb667b8, pArgc = -1248808528, pSessionConfig = 0x0, 
    static s_DCOPClient = 0x80e63d8, 
    static s_dcopClientNeedsPostInit = false, aCaption = {static null = {
        static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
        d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
      static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, bSessionManagement = true, 
    aIconPixmap = {pm = {icon = 0x8124988, miniIcon = 0x8144fd0}, 
      unused = "\210I\022\bÐO\024\b\000\000\000\000le\006\bÿÿ
aIconName = {static null = {
        static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
        d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
      static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, aMiniIconName = {static null = {
        static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, 
        d = 0x8075eb0, static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, d = 0x8075eb0, 
      static shared_null = 0x8075eb0}, useStyles = true, smw = 0x80bdb40, 
    static loadedByKdeinit = false, captionLayout = 134528977, 
    d = 0x80b15c8}, <EngineObserver> = {_vptr.EngineObserver = 0xb7edffa8, 
    m_subject = 0x0}, static metaObj = 0x80e8680, static mainThreadId = 0, 
  m_pGlobalAccel = 0x81243a8, m_pPlayerWindow = 0x0, 
  m_pPlaylistWindow = 0x8124b58, m_pTray = 0x80de6e0, 
  m_pMediaDeviceManager = 0xb7f0caa0}
==== (gdb) thread apply all bt ====
Thread 6 (Thread -1272972400 (LWP 11348)):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f64b7c in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
   from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb385f5fe in metronom_sync_loop (this=0xb42260f8) at metronom.c:873
#3  0xb5f604ab in start_thread (arg=0xb41ffb90) at pthread_create.c:296
#4  0xb599c1be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
Thread 5 (Thread -1263297648 (LWP 11358)):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f6729b in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb39f0f4f in ao_oss_write (this_gen=0xb42566f8, frame_buffer=0xb2f18030, 
    num_frames=1152) at audio_oss_out.c:472
#3  0xb386f28c in ao_loop (this_gen=0xb4257e70) at audio_out.c:1201
#4  0xb5f604ab in start_thread (arg=0xb4b39b90) at pthread_create.c:296
#5  0xb599c1be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
Thread 4 (Thread -1294783600 (LWP 11359)):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f64b7c in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
   from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb386dad6 in fifo_remove_int (fifo=0xb42769e8, blocking=0)
    at audio_out.c:349
#3  0xb386f951 in ao_get_buffer (this_gen=0xb4257e70) at audio_out.c:391
#4  0xb387a7e1 in post_audio_get_buffer (port_gen=0xb2fcc0b8) at post.c:601
#5  0xb314ef13 in mad_decode_data (this_gen=0xb2fce258, buf=0xb2fc8f70)
    at xine_decoder.c:254
#6  0xb3869b92 in audio_decoder_loop (stream_gen=0xb2fb80a0)
    at audio_decoder.c:361
#7  0xb5f604ab in start_thread (arg=0xb2d32b90) at pthread_create.c:296
#8  0xb599c1be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
Thread 3 (Thread -1303176304 (LWP 11360)):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f648f6 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb387160f in xine_event_wait (queue=0xb2fcb8b8) at events.c:59
#3  0xb38716aa in listener_loop (queue_gen=0xb2fcb8b8) at events.c:217
#4  0xb5f604ab in start_thread (arg=0xb2531b90) at pthread_create.c:296
#5  0xb599c1be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
Thread 2 (Thread -1311569008 (LWP 15611)):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f648f6 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb38628ff in buffer_pool_alloc (this=0xb2fc35b8) at buffer.c:93
#3  0xb31b369e in demux_mpgaudio_next (this=0x84bbe80, decoder_flags=0, 
    send_header=0) at demux_mpgaudio.c:465
#4  0xb31b3c95 in demux_mpgaudio_send_chunk (this_gen=0x84bbe80)
    at demux_mpgaudio.c:658
#5  0xb38760c6 in demux_loop (stream_gen=0xb2fb80a0) at demux.c:285
#6  0xb5f604ab in start_thread (arg=0xb1d30b90) at pthread_create.c:296
#7  0xb599c1be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
Thread 1 (Thread -1258916144 (LWP 10314)):
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb5f682cb in ?? () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0x0804e0bf in Amarok::Crash::crashHandler ()
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/amarokcore/crashhandler.cpp:249
#3  <signal handler called>
#4  QString::deref (this=0x807d14c) at tools/qshared.h:50
#5  0xb69797ec in QString::operator= (this=0x807d14c, s=@0x860100c)
    at tools/qstring.cpp:1594
#6  0xb66d04ae in QUrl::operator= (this=0x84bc9c0, url=@0xbfb65b74)
    at kernel/qurl.cpp:47
#7  0xb7c35dc3 in LastFm::WebService::handshake (this=0x84bc980, 
    username=@0xbfb65c14, password=@0xbfb65c10)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/lastfm.cpp:423
#8  0xb7c363d8 in LastFm::Controller::getNewProxy (this=0x81d0d78, 
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/lastfm.cpp:176
#9  0xb7c05d03 in EngineController::play (this=0xb7f0c7a0, bundle=@0x835d9b0, 
    offset=0) at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:404
#10 0xb7cb09c2 in Playlist::activate (this=0x8194aa8, item=0x835da6c)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.cpp:1667
#11 0xb7cb24da in Playlist::playNextTrack (this=0x8194aa8, forceNext=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.cpp:1146
#12 0xb7cb7132 in Playlist::qt_invoke (this=0x8194aa8, _id=116, _o=0xbfb66184)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/playlist.moc:497
#13 0xb66ac889 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0xb7f0c7a0, clist=0x819a458, 
    o=0xbfb66184) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
#14 0xb66acf65 in QObject::activate_signal_bool (this=0xb7f0c7a0, signal=4, 
    param=false) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2452
#15 0xb7c04770 in EngineController::orderNext (this=0xb7f0c7a0, t0=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.moc:220
#16 0xb7c047ad in EngineController::next (this=0xb7f0c7a0, forceNext=false)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:327
#17 0xb7c0870f in EngineController::trackFinished (this=0xb7f0c7a0)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.h:76
#18 0xb7c04cc2 in EngineController::slotMainTimer (this=0xb7f0c7a0)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.cpp:701
#19 0xb7c07c62 in EngineController::qt_invoke (this=0xb7f0c7a0, _id=28, 
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/enginecontroller.moc:258
#20 0xb66ac889 in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x80eb7b8, clist=0x80f65d8, 
    o=0xbfb662f8) at kernel/qobject.cpp:2356
#21 0xb66ad4dd in QObject::activate_signal (this=0x80eb7b8, signal=2)
    at kernel/qobject.cpp:2325
#22 0xb69e1a99 in QTimer::timeout (this=0x80eb7b8)
    at .moc/release-shared-mt/moc_qtimer.cpp:82
#23 0xb66cf92e in QTimer::event (this=0x80eb7b8, e=0xbfb665b4)
    at kernel/qtimer.cpp:219
#24 0xb664d7f7 in QApplication::internalNotify (this=0xbfb667b8, 
    receiver=0x80eb7b8, e=0xbfb665b4) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2635
#25 0xb664e371 in QApplication::notify (this=0xbfb667b8, receiver=0x80eb7b8, 
    e=0xbfb665b4) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2358
#26 0xb6c4e2ae in KApplication::notify (this=0xbfb667b8, receiver=0x80eb7b8, 
    event=0xbfb665b4) at kapplication.cpp:550
#27 0xb6642989 in QEventLoop::activateTimers (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qapplication.h:496
#28 0xb65fdb8c in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=0x80a6eb0, flags=4)
    at kernel/qeventloop_x11.cpp:389
#29 0xb6663ef0 in QEventLoop::enterLoop (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:198
#30 0xb6663d76 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x80a6eb0)
    at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:145
#31 0xb664d28f in QApplication::exec (this=0xbfb667b8)
    at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2758
#32 0x0804d0d2 in main (argc=3, argv=0xbfb66944)
    at /home/hydrogen/amarok-svn/amarok/src/main.cpp:114
#0  0xffffe410 in __kernel_vsyscall ()

==== kdBacktrace() ================
0: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_Z11kdBacktracei+0x44) [0xb6c605c4]
1: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_Z11kdBacktracev+0x2a) [0xb6c6090a]
2: amarokapp(_ZN6Amarok5Crash12crashHandlerEi+0xca4) [0x804df22]
3: [0xffffe420]
4: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QStringaSERKS_+0x2c) [0xb69797ec]
5: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN4QUrlaSERKS_+0x3e) [0xb66d04ae]
6: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN6LastFm10WebService9handshakeERK7QStringS3_+0x757) [0xb7c35dc3]
7: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN6LastFm10Controller11getNewProxyE7QString+0xe0) [0xb7c363d8]
8: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN16EngineController4playERK10MetaBundlej+0x711) [0xb7c05d03]
9: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN8Playlist8activateEP13QListViewItem+0x912) [0xb7cb09c2]
10: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN8Playlist13playNextTrackEb+0x101e) 
11: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN8Playlist9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x1d2) 
12: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
13: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject20activate_signal_boolEib+0x145) 
14: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN16EngineController9orderNextEb+0x40) 
15: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN16EngineController4nextEb+0x35) 
16: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN16EngineController13trackFinishedEv+0x25) [0xb7c0870f]
17: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN16EngineController13slotMainTimerEv+0x188) [0xb7c04cc2]
18: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0
(_ZN16EngineController9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x446) [0xb7c07c62]
19: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
20: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEi+0xbd) 
21: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN6QTimer7timeoutEv+0x29) [0xb69e1a99]
22: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN6QTimer5eventEP6QEvent+0x3e) [0xb66cf92e]
23: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x97) [0xb664d7f7]
24: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3
(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x71) [0xb664e371]
25: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4
(_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x1de) [0xb6c4e2ae]
26: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop14activateTimersEv+0x1f9) 
27: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsEj+0x80c) 
28: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop9enterLoopEv+0x50) [0xb6663ef0]
29: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop4execEv+0x26) [0xb6663d76]
30: /usr/qt/3/lib/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication4execEv+0x1f) [0xb664d28f]
31: amarokapp [0x804d0d2]
32: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xdc) [0xb58f583c]
33: amarokapp(_ZN6QGList5clearEv+0xcd) [0x804c731]

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