MySQL and Amarok

Danny Mallory danny.mallory at
Sat Sep 30 01:22:01 UTC 2006

The advantage is letting all the PCs in my house share the same DB :).. 
It really makes a big difference letting them share the same 
difference.. Or I am just smoking something.

As for the configure, I have specified --enable-mysql and 
--enable-debug=full.. It confirms also when completed that MySQL is 

My actual.

./configure --enable-debug=full --enable-mysql --with-libmtp --with-libnjb --with-libgpod --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` 

nikosapi wrote:
> Is there an advantage to using MySQL instead of sqllite? (just curious...)
> nick
> On Friday 29 September 2006 20:44, Seb Ruiz wrote:
>> Sorry to tell you this after you have compiled, but you'll need to
>> enable the mysql flag at configure
>> ./configure --enable-mysql --enable-debug=full
>> On 30/09/06, Danny Mallory <danny.mallory at> wrote:
>>> I compiled from scratch today to get mtp working because Debian did not
>>> compile with it. Now mtp works awesome but I don't have mysql support :(
>>> .. sqllite shows as the only option and when I ./configure it states
>>> that mysql support will be available. Is there something else I am still
>>> missing to get the MySQL connectivity?
>>> Danny
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