DB problems again

Andreas Heinz andi at a80.net
Fri Nov 24 14:19:12 UTC 2006

As nobody responded, i just enabled logging of my mysql server. the 
following sql query seems to end in end endless loop:

album.name,album.id,Avg(COALESCE(NULLIF(statistics.percentage, 0), 50)) 
AS Avgstatisticspercentage,artist.id FROM tags LEFT JOIN album ON 
album.id=tags.album LEFT JOIN artist ON artist.id=tags.artist LEFT JOIN 
statistics ON statistics.url=tags.url AND statistics.deviceid = 
tags.deviceid  WHERE 1 AND ( 1 AND album.name <> 'Unknown' AND 
album.name <> ''  ) AND tags.sampler = 0  AND tags.deviceid IN 
(1,2,3,4,-1) GROUP BY album.id,artist.id,BINARY album.name HAVING 
Count(album.id)>3 AND Avg(statistics.percentage)>0 ORDER BY 
Avgstatisticspercentage DESC  LIMIT 5 OFFSET 0

can someoney imagine why?

i did an example query to check if "tags.url = statistics.url and 
tags.deviceid = statistics.deviceid" gives any result and it does. so 
i'm clueless where this database hang comes from :(


Andreas Heinz wrote:
> Hi there,
> after i posted recently my problems moving a nfs share. i'm now at that 
> point that i want to insert a backup of the stats, but if i do and start 
> amarok, amarok hangs at the start and tells me that it needs long to 
> start, if maybe something ist wrong.
> all the stats rows look like that one which amarok creates when i have 
> an empty stats table and let amarok create a few new records, to test if 
> amarok itself works. so the problem seems to be in the statsbackup.
> all device id point to device id 2 with is connected to /. path is also 
> correct.
> btw the mysql server is fully loaded when amarok hangs, so it seems to 
> be a db problem right? maybe somekind of query that's not correct?
> unfortunatly i dont know how to tell, at which query amarok hangs.
> maybe someone of you has a clue what the problem could be? :)
> thanks again
> Andreas
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