1.4-SVN [NOTstripped][validity: 0.75][frames: 48][xine]

Marc Cramdal marc.cramdal at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 15:33:20 UTC 2006

Here is the crash I always get when using the "clear playlist" button
while amarok is playing. It is 100% reproductible here.

Maybe is it xine ?

======== DEBUG INFORMATION  =======
Version:    1.4-SVN
Engine:     xine-engine
Build date: Nov  9 2006
CC version: 4.1.1 (Gentoo 4.1.1-r1)
KDElibs:    3.5.5
Qt:         3.3.6
TagLib:     1.4.0
CPU count:  2

==== file `which amarokapp` =======
/usr/kde/3.5/bin/amarokapp: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64,
version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared
libs), not stripped

==== (gdb) bt =====================
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
[New Thread 47340495178096 (LWP 8779)]
[New Thread 1124104512 (LWP 8864)]
[New Thread 1115711808 (LWP 8789)]
[New Thread 1107319104 (LWP 8788)]
[New Thread 1098926400 (LWP 8787)]
[New Thread 1082140992 (LWP 8786)]
0x00002b0e4f853acf in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#0  0x00002b0e4f853acf in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x0000000000405c3c in Amarok::Crash::crashHandler ()
#2  0x00002b0e50a1c810 in killpg () from /lib/libc.so.6
#3  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#0  0x00002b0e4f853acf in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
No symbol table info available.
#1  0x0000000000405c3c in Amarok::Crash::crashHandler ()
No symbol table info available.
#2  0x00002b0e50a1c810 in killpg () from /lib/libc.so.6
No symbol table info available.
#3  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
No symbol table info available.
==== (gdb) thread apply all bt ====
Thread 6 (Thread 1082140992 (LWP 8786)):
#0  0x00002b0e4f8508f7 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
   from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00002aaaabd153d5 in _x_metronom_clock_init ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#2  0x00002b0e4f84c135 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#3  0x00002b0e50aaa3dd in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#4  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Thread 5 (Thread 1098926400 (LWP 8787)):
#0  0x00002b0e50aa2616 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x00002aaab03a8809 in snd_pcm_wait_nocheck () from /usr/lib/libasound.so.2
#2  0x00002aaab1ed30dd in ?? ()
   from /usr/lib64/xine/plugins/1.1.2/xineplug_ao_out_alsa.so
#3  0x00002aaaabd23ae8 in xine_get_next_audio_frame ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#4  0x00002b0e4f84c135 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#5  0x00002b0e50aaa3dd in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#6  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Thread 4 (Thread 1107319104 (LWP 8788)):
#0  0x00002b0e4f8508f7 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
   from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00002aaaabd2204c in xine_free_audio_frame ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#2  0x00002aaaabd245f4 in xine_get_next_audio_frame ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#3  0x00002aaaabd2c0f5 in _x_post_intercept_overlay_manager ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#4  0x00002aaab5bf915a in ?? ()
   from /usr/lib64/xine/plugins/1.1.2/xineplug_decode_mad.so
#5  0x00002aaaabd1e683 in _x_audio_decoder_init ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#6  0x00002b0e4f84c135 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#7  0x00002b0e50aaa3dd in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#8  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Thread 3 (Thread 1115711808 (LWP 8789)):
#0  0x00002b0e4f850706 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
   from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00002aaaabd255cb in xine_event_wait () from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#2  0x00002aaaabd25645 in xine_event_wait () from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#3  0x00002b0e4f84c135 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0x00002b0e50aaa3dd in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#5  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Thread 2 (Thread 1124104512 (LWP 8864)):
#0  0x00002b0e4f850706 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 ()
   from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x00002aaaabd181bc in _x_dummy_fifo_buffer_new ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#2  0x00002aaab2778fb4 in ?? ()
   from /usr/lib64/xine/plugins/1.1.2/xineplug_dmx_audio.so
#3  0x00002aaab277952b in ?? ()
   from /usr/lib64/xine/plugins/1.1.2/xineplug_dmx_audio.so
#4  0x00002aaaabd298f9 in _x_demux_start_thread ()
   from /usr/lib64/libxine.so.1
#5  0x00002b0e4f84c135 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#6  0x00002b0e50aaa3dd in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6
#7  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Thread 1 (Thread 47340495178096 (LWP 8779)):
#0  0x00002b0e4f853acf in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0x0000000000405c3c in Amarok::Crash::crashHandler ()
#2  0x00002b0e50a1c810 in killpg () from /lib/libc.so.6
#3  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
#0  0x00002b0e4f853acf in waitpid () from /lib/libpthread.so.0

==== kdBacktrace() ================
0: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_Z11kdBacktracei+0x48) [0x2b0e4cd4e308]
1: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_Z11kdBacktracev+0xe) [0x2b0e4cd4e59e]
2: amarokapp(_ZN6Amarok5Crash12crashHandlerEi+0xaee) [0x4056ce]
3: /lib/libc.so.6 [0x2b0e50a1c810]
4: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN13QListViewItem9itemBelowEv+0x1e)
5: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN16EngineController13slotMainTimerEv+0x6d)
6: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libamarok.so.0(_ZN16EngineController9qt_invokeEiP8QUObject+0x2b6)
7: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEP15QConnectionListP8QUObject+0x13c)
8: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN7QObject15activate_signalEi+0xa3)
9: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN6QTimer5eventEP6QEvent+0x25)
10: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication14internalNotifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x85)
11: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x87)
12: /usr/kde/3.5/lib/libkdecore.so.4(_ZN12KApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x19e)
13: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop14activateTimersEv+0x212)
14: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop13processEventsEj+0x702)
15: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop9enterLoopEv+0x42)
16: /usr/qt/3/lib64/libqt-mt.so.3(_ZN10QEventLoop4execEv+0x22) [0x2b0e4d9e2c12]
17: amarokapp [0x404a88]
18: /lib/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf4) [0x2b0e50a0a394]
19: amarokapp(_ZN6QGList5clearEv+0xd1) [0x404449]

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