Fwd: ATF: Stop spreading FUD about other media players

Julien frenchdj at gmx.de
Fri Jul 21 15:47:57 UTC 2006

i would just like to add, that statistic in tags can be easyly made with 
have a fast look at 4.17 Popularimeter at 
I would really like this to be done, so the score/rating would'nt be 
lost after each destroyed database (happening often when using svn)
> However, a quick reply to his points as they affect Amarok:
> 1) Seems QL saves statistics/rating information in the files themselves. Maybe 
> that's a good idea for us?  It would stop any "ah, crap, someone made a 
> mistake and now I just lost all my stats!" problems.  Unfortunately for him, 
> since ATF has solely to do with using UIDs and functionality that comes from 
> them, I'm a) not lying and b) didn't specifically target QL, since I listed 
> pretty much every player.  He's just a defensive prick.

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