MusicBrainz hanging?

Jarle Thorsen jarle at
Fri Jul 14 22:33:54 UTC 2006

Using Amarok 1.4.1

Sometimes when selecting Fill-In Tags Using MusicBrainz it seems like Amarok 
just runs into a loop. It keeps saying "Generating audio fingerprint...", but 
never returns with any results. It seems to be file dependent:

This file never returns:
-rwxr-xr-t 1 jarle jarle 3748803 2001-05-01 18:06 /raid/mp3/Definitive 
summer/NR2/10.duran duran-carless memories.mp3

While this works just fine:
-rwxr-xr-t 1 jarle jarle 3792896 2002-12-06 16:57 /raid/mp3/Dario G/dario g - 
carnaval de paris.mp3

Any idea what might cause this?

Jarle Thorsen
CChheecckk yyoouurr dduupplleexx sswwiittcchh..

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