New compilation handling in 1.4.1

Jocke Andersson ajocke at
Tue Jul 4 08:51:27 UTC 2006

On Tuesday July 4 2006 08:21, Ian Monroe wrote:
> Personally I thought the previous behavior made more sense as well.
> However, I don't actually just scroll through my collection browser
> much (I always use the filter) so its not something I feel strongly
> about. What I really like about the new implementation is that it
> doesn't use the term  "compliation album". :)

I LIKE the new way, since I use the collection browser a lot to add tracks to 
my dynamic playlist, and the tracks under Various Artists are sorted in no 
order at all it seems. Sometimes it seems to be sorted by track name, but 
that's completely illogical since the trackname starts in the MIDDLE of the 
list item text.
If you do revert it, please fix the sorting under Various Artists. This way 
it's totally unusable. It might also be a good idea to (instead of reverting 
the change) filter out artists that only has one track in one compilation, 
that would reduce a lot of clutter in the browser, but might be a tad bit 
user unfriendly since it's inconsistent. (Although, the old way confused me 
too, compilation tracks should ONLY be displayed under Various Artists in 
that case.)


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