organizing tracks with Unknown album

Gregory Kuhlmann kuhlmann at
Sat Dec 9 20:32:04 UTC 2006

Hi all,

I love the "Organize Files" feature of amarok, but I dislike that tracks 
with Unknown album tags get put in the artist's main folder above the 
level of albums.  I find this organization aesthetically unpleasing.  I 
would prefer that these tracks be put into an album folder called 
something like "_Unknown_".  The organize files dialog is quite flexible, 
but I don't think that it will do what I want in this case.

Am I correct that no combination of "Filename Format" and "Replace ___ 
with ___" will support this type of organization?  If so, how would you 
feel about an additional option to specify a string to be used in place of 
empty album, artist, (maybe even) track tags?


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