a couple of questions about atf

Rich rich at hq.vsaa.lv
Wed Aug 23 09:48:00 UTC 2006

atf configuration has changed a bit, so i just wanted to clarify a bit 
what is the current state and what each parameter does.
if i remember correctly, atf reading features are on by default & 
always. so these parameters control atf writing and connected things.

in amarokrc, currently i have two parameters that contain atf :


this does not change durign amarok restarts and just stays there. is 
this deprecated ? does amarok remove deprecated parameters ?


what exactly is this doing ? does it force off also reading ?

at first way to enable atf was to add a line to amarokrc :

is this parameter still valid, how does it interact with others ?
currently i don't have it in my amarokrc.

ps. this is my amarokrc after using svn, then downgrading to 1.4.2 (just 
a couple of revisions, actually), then again using latest svn. wasn't 
1.4.2 supposed to force atf off ?

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