2.5 release planning updated

Bart Cerneels bart.cerneels at kde.org
Sun Oct 30 06:31:49 UTC 2011

Hey team

(using HTML formatting for clarity)

Mark and me, with help from rokymotion are going to do the releases from
now on.
Here is the plan for 2.5:

   - Tagging 2.5 Beta 1, feature & string freeze: Friday 4/11
   - Release 2.5 Beta 1: Monday 7/11

We* won't* do the full release announcement nor a fancy release name for
the beta. I prefer to concentrate on the code and known release blockers.
If any release blockers are left we'll delay the whole time-frame by one

   - Tagging 2.5 final: Friday 19/11
   - Release 2.5 final, with proper release name: Wednesday 19/11

If something comes up during the Beta phase we'll release another beta to
the testers.

Our shared google
be updated. Whoever owns this should give me author access. Please put this
calendar in your gcal or keep a regular eye on it. The link is listed in
the topic of the dev channel.

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