awn #11

Ljubomir Simin ljubomir.simin at
Thu Jan 10 14:12:53 CET 2008

No, it's not out, yet :). But I have a feeling it's about time for a
new (weekly :)) release :D. Hooray for me for managing to compile KDE
Anyway, I'd like to write the new issue before (or at the same time
as) our technical preview, so I can help spreading the word (btw, when
is that? 20.jan?). The brief topics currently on my mind are:

-tech preview (a.k.a. v1.80) + talk about qt4.4 + maybe some roadmap
(if we have any)
-context view plans (qt4.4, webkit)
-Nikolaj's stuff (info about [new] services, ampache, etc)
-lots of screenshots + maybe animations (if i manage to get some
recording software working)
-cool tips: dunno, maybe dynamic playlists from nightrose?
-a thanking words for our new patch contributors?

Seems like I'm missing lots of interesting stuff, please let me know
about the topics/plans which need publicity.

Thanks, see ya!

PS. How is that 4 months after the last issue (18.09.2007, didn't even
feature oxygen style), I get ~100 visits per day? Have you set up some
http bots? :D

Ljubomir Simin
Registered Linux User #351181

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