spelling of rokymotion

Christie Harris dangle.baby at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 13:51:50 CEST 2007

On Mon, 26 Mar 2007 02:16:58 am Harald Sitter wrote:
> Ahoy!
> Once again I want to suggest a spelling change from roKymotion to
> Rokymotion. Reasons:
> * the upper case K doesn't look good when put next to Amarok
> * makes us appeal a lot like a KDE thingy
> * by time people won't get why the K is upper case anyway
> So for consistence with Amarok spelling I'd like to change the spelling to
> Rokymotion.
> Thoughts?

Oops! I thought we'd already done this... go for it! Makes perfect sense, 
particularly since Amarok is no longer amaroK.


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