[Fwd: FOSDEM 2008, lightningtalks]

Sven Krohlas sven at asbest-online.de
Tue Dec 18 07:58:31 CET 2007


last year we had a lightning talk about Amarok, so we need sth
different or hope for the "new way of being part of FOSDEM".

-------- Original Message --------
From: - Tue Dec 18 07:52:16 2007
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 01:26:39 +0100
From: Mattias 'Tias' Guns <mguns at fosdem.org>
Organization: Fosdem
Subject: FOSDEM 2008, lightningtalks

Hello Lightning Talkers of last year !

I hope you have the same nice memories of last year as me... I have just
announced the lightningtalks for the next edition at

We changed the rules a bit this year. For example we will select the
projects based on innovation and uniqueness, instead of using a
first-come first-served system. I'm glad we only had great submitions
last year, but we expect many more this year...
The second change, which might be a disappointment for you, is that
there will be no lightningtalks from projects of last year... The reason
is that the lightningtalks are ment for lesser-known projects to share
their ideas with the public, a chance you had last year, and one that we
want to give to some of all the other active projects this year. I hope
you see that this is only fair...

But not to worry, there is a new way of being part of FOSDEM that I am
working on, but it's a secret for now : ) more to come...

In the meantime, feel free to inform other projects about this
opportunity and share your experience of last year with the people to
whom you wish it too !!

Many greetings,
and do come say hello if you will be visiting FOSDEM,
FOSDEM Lighting Talks


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