Breakpoints never reached in main.cpp, when they really should be

Bernd Wechner bwechner at
Tue Mar 22 05:23:36 UTC 2016

OK, am stepping through amarok code in QtCreator and find the most 
bizarre behaviour as follows.

Using the latest git snapshot from git://

in main.cpp I can set a breakpoint at line 300 which reads:

     if( !KUniqueApplication::start( startFlag ) )

I can set breakpoints anywhere after this in main.cpp and they are never 
reached. If I single step over line 300, it amarok UI just fires up and 
enters its wait loop for events.

This strikes me as particularly odd as it is not until line 329:

     return app.exec();

that it looks like the app is fired up proper and this looks 
suspsciously like a debugging issue with QtCreator.

Another thought is that perhaps the binary is compiled with some 
optimisation or some other confounding issue that mucks up the tie 
between the built binary and the source code. Am guessing wildly and 
keen to learn.


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