Log files

Bernd Wechner bwechner at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 14 03:02:54 UTC 2016


Thanks for the tip. Handy indeed.

Alas not all that helpful in the end. Reasonn being:

1) Slight fix needed: amarok -d --nofork >& amarok.log, as the log goes 
to stderr it seems.
2) It's very verbose and doesn't mirror the on-screen errors so hard to 
home in on the issue.

Seems on the todo for Amarok would be ideally to mirror all on-screen 
messages to a log file. But here is what I have learned and how I did.

How I learned:

1) I installed SimpleScreenRecorder and recorded the startup.
2) I installed avidemux and stepped through the recording frame by frame

What I learned:

1) These little messages actually have little vertical progress bar on 
their left side which runs a timer down and the message disappears when 
it expires.
2) Could be that the timer is a wee bit fast on account of rapid speed 
increases in hardware since implementation? Either way, it would seem 
configurable somehow.
3) All the messages ultimately could be traced to the scripts I had 
     a) Cool Streams
     b) Free Music Charts
     c) Librivox
4) Disabled these and no more messages


! Defunct scripts

Extra evidence:

1) When I disabled the scripts and closed the "Configure - Amarok" 
dialog box, Amarok crashed.

I'd like to look more closely at the code at some time and will post 
separately a question regarding the hows there.



Myriam Schweingruber wrote:
> Hi Bernd,
> On Sat, Feb 13, 2016 at 3:11 AM, Bernd Wechner <bwechner at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > When I start Amarok I get a number of failed connection messages in the
> > bottom right corner pop up. Not particularly well rendered nor easy to use
> > as they pop up and go away. Can I see these messages in a log file anywhere
> > as they identify sites it's trying to connect to, perhaps scripts I have,
> > and I'd like to be abvle to read the error at leisure and test the
> > connection. Alas look as I might I have failed to find an Amarok log file.
> >
> There is no log file by default as it could get extremely huge and is
> usually not helpful for most purposes to the users, but you can very
> easily create one by starting amarok in debug mode in a konsole and
> redirect this to a text file. Just start amarok in a konsole with
> amarok -d --nofork > amarok.log
> I suggest you close amarok once the error messages are gone, else this
> file will get really huge :-)
> Regards, Myriam

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