New wiki page: Amarok & Replay Gain

Johannes Boy teilzeitstudent at
Sat Aug 20 21:27:45 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I recently had some problems with replay gain & .flac files. I started
investigating replay gain and, given that there is little documentation
about it, summarized my findings here:
valorie from IRC created a link to that new page and asked me to send the
wiki link to this mailing list.
So... here it is. Please review it and make changes as required (there is a
warning about translations on the page, not sure what to do about it).

Originally, I had the following problem with replay gain:
1. Some songs played at half the volume of other songs. Disabling replay
gain in Amarok solved the issue
2. Modified the actual .flac files to drop the replay gain information
3. Updated the Amarok collection
4. Nothing changed

With those database changes, the issue was solved.
However, I think there might be an issue with amarokcollectionscanner not
updating the replay gain information upon rescan of a file... not sure. If
someone can recreate the scenario, we can create a bugreport or something.

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