[Port KF5] Next steps: tests and context

Olivier Churlaud olivier at churlaud.com
Sun Nov 8 17:42:55 UTC 2015

Test status (local, I'll do a review when I have more):  So I corrected 
already 4... Feel free to give hand :)
          16 - testtrackforurlworker (Failed)
          18 - testmetatrack (Failed)
          24 - testplaylistobserver (Failed)
          26 - testsqldatabaseupdater (Failed)
          27 - testsqlalbum (Failed)
          28 - testsqlartist (Failed)
          29 - testsqlcollection (Failed)
          30 - testsqlquerymaker (Failed)
          31 - testsqlscanmanager (Failed)
          32 - testsqltrack (Failed)
          33 - testsqlcollectionlocation (Failed)
          37 - testcuefilesupport (Failed)
          38 - testmetafiletrack (Failed)
          40 - testasxplaylist (Failed)
          41 - testm3uplaylist (Failed)
          42 - testplsplaylist (Failed)
          43 - testxspfplaylist (Failed)
          45 - testtrackloader (Failed)
          46 - testdynamicmodel (Failed)
          49 - testplaylistfileprovider (Failed)
          51 - testtimecodetrackprovider (Failed)


Le 08/11/2015 12:44, Olivier Churlaud a écrit :
> Hi,
> I still have a commit to send to fix the database (I'm waiting for 
> your input for this).
> Now there are 3 things to do:
>     - use and test
>     - port the tests
>     - port the context folder
> For the latter, I would need that a senior dev explains us here on the 
> wiki how the context works and how the classes interact, so that we 
> gain time and port everything in the good order. The bonus is that it 
> will be documented for the future.
> Cheers
> Olivier

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