Problem in executing amarok after build

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Sat Jan 31 17:19:17 UTC 2015

Hi Aroonav,

On Sat, Jan 31, 2015 at 2:27 PM, Aroonav Mishra <aroonav11 at> wrote:
> Hello all..
> I have been tring to build Amarok but I have been facing some problems in running it. After installing all its dependencies I executed the commands shown and the associated output has been redirected to the files.
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/kde -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull $HOME/kde/src/amarok >cmake.log 2>cmake_err.log
> make install >make_install.log 2>make_install_err.log
> kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental >kbuildsycoca.log 2>kbuildsycoca_err.log
> amarok
> The links of the output are:
> cmake.log:
> cmake_err.log:
> make_install.log:
> make_install_err.log:
> kbuildsycoca.log: <EMPTY>
> kbuildsycoca_err.log:

First of all: you should not mix the notions of "warning" with
"errors", warnings are NOT errors, so you can pretty much ignore
those, unless you are willing to fix them.

>From what I see Amarok did build correctly, but:

what instructions did you follow?
Did you do a local build or did you do a system wide one?
Did you check your environment variables and your path settings?

> I googled for the soutions to the following problems but the methods suggested didn't work.
> 1.Though I have installed the libnepomukcore4abi1 & nepomuk-core-data but still cmake doesn't detect them as shown in cmake_err.log. I have been trying to solve a bug related to nepomuk and I might need this library.

Nepomuk has been discontinued, you do not need that library, it will
be replaced by a different technology called Baloo, but the use of
that by Amarok needs some work. In any case, this should have
absolutely zero effect on your ability to run Amarok, it is optional
anyway. More details can be founds in Vishesh' blog, see

> 2.How to remove the warnings about LINK_INTERFACE_LIBRARIES in cmake_err.log and what is its significance?

See above. The significance is a warning, and the reasons are detailed
on every single step, did you actually read those more closely?

> 3.I get the error "Amarok could not find any plugins. This indicates an installation problem." when trying to execute amarok. How should I resolve this.

Well, apparently you did not set your environment correctly.

If you check the links in our documentation, namely all those you can
find here:  and if you
read all the available documents, you should have no problems building

Writing all the details here and leading you by the hand on every step
would be pointless, as it will not avoid you having to read the
documentation first, as all software developers need to.

> Platorm details:
> OS:Ubuntu 14.10 64-bit
> KDE platform version 4.14.1
> QMake version 2.01a

Irrelevant, you do not compile Amarok with QMake anyway...

> Qt version 4.8.6

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