Review Request 122450: Do not set global shortcuts for the Media keys

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Fri Feb 27 14:59:27 UTC 2015

> On Feb. 27, 2015, 3:51 p.m., Dan Meltzer wrote:
> > I'm a little late to the party, but this seems like it would cause a regression for anyone not using plasma workspace... right?  Isn't it a kded bug that the shortcuts don't get forwarded to the active window?

> I'm a little late to the party, but this seems like it would cause a regression for anyone not using plasma workspace... right?

no, for upgrades it shouldn't matter (though haven't tested), a configured shortcut would stay (we will probably do something in plasma about that to more agressively steal the shortcut from amarok). For new setups it can still be configured. So it's just a change in the default. And even then I would say that this fixes a very severe bug in the inter-application play. As kglobalaccel maintainer I think it was a pretty severe application abuse to take the shortcut away from any other media application.

> Isn't it a kded bug that the shortcuts don't get forwarded to the active window?

eh no. That would be pretty bad if the shortcut would be passed to the active window. Just imagine the shortcut "Ctrl+F1". Whenever you press that to get to desktop 1 it would also open the help in the active application. Global shortcuts need to be filtered out.

- Martin

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On Feb. 27, 2015, 1:50 p.m., Martin Gräßlin wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated Feb. 27, 2015, 1:50 p.m.)
> Review request for Amarok and Plasma.
> Repository: amarok
> Description
> -------
> Amarok used to grab the keys for:
> * Qt::Key_MediaPlay
> * Qt::Key_MediaStop
> * Qt::Key_MediaNext
> * Qt::Key_MediaPrevious
> As those are global shortcuts they are taken away from any other
> application when Amarok is running. E.g. if I watch a movie in VLC
> and press the media play button (which VLC handles) Amarok will start
> playback if it's running. If Amarok is not running, VLC will pause
> the playback. This shows that a multi-media application should not
> globally grab these keys.
> In addition we just introduced a change [1] in plasma-workspace for the
> Plasma/5.3 release to grab these shortcuts and bind them to the
> mpris2 dataengine. Now the mpris2 engine handles those shortcuts and
> delegates to the currently active application.
> [1]
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/ActionClasses.cpp 3f6a63e073f76db8ec05daf531dd2d828d3f9c0d 
>   src/MainWindow.cpp 484f4251f8911f1c4e63f61ae17efd7b17b5c4e6 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Thanks,
> Martin Gräßlin

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