GSoC Idea: better lyrics display and fetching

vedant agarwala vedant.kota at
Thu Feb 27 19:01:28 UTC 2014

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 11:22 PM, Anmol Ahuja <darthcodus at> wrote:

> > Brief explanation: Amarok's support for fetching and displaying of
> lyrics is very limited. It just fetches from a single provider and many
> times no results are fetched, sometimes due to minor errors in
> track/album/artist name. I want to add some more providers of online lyrics
> databases. If no results are found I can couple this the better tagguessing
> feature (and even if the tags are not saved), the the lyrics providers can
> be searched with these guessed tags.
> Why not write a script for this?
You are right. Moreover, already there is a script for it: . With some tweaks
(like a better "settings" display), it would serve our purpose quite well.
So, I added a new part to the Project: Lyric support improvements; that is:
a better display. You can see the idea page for more: . I am researching it at
the moment and doesn't seem like a straight forward job.

> --
> Regards,
> Anmol Ahuja
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