Is Amarok currently open for design input?

Alan Ezust alan.ezust at
Sat Aug 9 23:15:19 UTC 2014

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Thomas Pfeiffer <colomar at>

> Hi everyone,
> there are currently quite a few ideas for Amarok's UI design being
> brainstormed in the VDG forum [1]. Whether you like them or not is for you
> to
> decide, but for me the worst outcome would be that you said "Oh, there are
> very cool ideas here, but unfortunately we cannot make any considerable
> changes to the UI with the available resources due to Amarok's code".
> My impression is that in Amarok 2 the backend and GUI code are still quite
> entangled, making bigger changes to the UI very time-consuming to
> implement.

Most of amarok is UI, actually.

> Is this going to change any time soon (like a move to a QtQuick GUI), or
> will

The most compelling reason to use QtQuick is for the ListView, so it can
support flicks and gestures.
To make an alternate QML widget for the PlayList based on QML ListView is
actually possibly a worthwhile endaevor. I can't see any other benefits to
a "move to QtQUick" that you might be referring to.

But in general, this is an object-oriented program so you can replace
individual pieces with other pieces.
And that's how most of the development projects succeed - replacing one
part with another part.

Also, I was reading that thread and a lot of times people said "status bar"
when they meant toolbar.
There is no real status bar in Amarok, but each widget has a toolbar for
its related actions.
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