Is Amarok currently open for design input?

Thomas Pfeiffer colomar at
Fri Aug 8 13:50:08 UTC 2014

Hi everyone,
there are currently quite a few ideas for Amarok's UI design being 
brainstormed in the VDG forum [1]. Whether you like them or not is for you to 
decide, but for me the worst outcome would be that you said "Oh, there are 
very cool ideas here, but unfortunately we cannot make any considerable 
changes to the UI with the available resources due to Amarok's code".

My impression is that in Amarok 2 the backend and GUI code are still quite 
entangled, making bigger changes to the UI very time-consuming to implement.
Is this going to change any time soon (like a move to a QtQuick GUI), or will 
this situation stay for the foreseeable future? If the latter is true, we'd 
have to tell our community designers that they'd have to scale down their 
ideas to a manageable size if they ever hope to see them implemented, and 
define what a "manageable size" would mean.

In either case, it would be awesome if some Amarok developers would visit the 
aforementioned thread and give some feedback on whether design input is 
currently welcome and if so, at what scale.

Thank you,


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