Tagguessing: SoK project proposal

stefan at derkits.at stefan at derkits.at
Mon Sep 23 20:05:50 UTC 2013

Hello Vedant,

> For the LastFmFingerprintProvider we will first have
> to generate a “fingerprint” of the track using the Last Fm
> Fingerprinter.

did you look at this Fingerprinter? If yes, you must know that it needs 
a FingerprintableSource, which atm are only sources for individual codec 
types (seperate sources for mp3, ogg & mp4).
I think in their Desktop Application they also have one based on 
libavcode available, but of course the BEST one would be such a 
FingerprintableSource based on Phonon, using Phonon Data Output (not 
sure if it is already usable in Phonon VLC or only in Phonon GStreamer)

Why? Because then we can be sure that we can fingerprint everything we 
can play. Unfortunatly a PhononSource doesn't exist yet.

So if you implement this, either use the one based on libavcodec for 
the moment or try to create/find someone to create such a PhononSource.


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