Suggestions to start contributing

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Thu Oct 31 19:13:54 UTC 2013

On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 2:48 PMpsot, Chinmay Bapat <cdbapat92 at> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Did you read all comments, especially Comment #6? There doesn't seem
>> much left, as for teh shortcuts we would need to discuss this more in
>> detail, so you should come up with suggestions on this list.
> Yes, but all of the junior jobs seem to be  in a state where I don't know
> what I can do. Could you suggest one of them / another bug that I could work
> on?
> Otherwise I thought trying to add a shortcut would at least give me some
> familiarity with the code, even if it was not useful.

The idea was that you go through the shortcuts and check what is
doable, then post your suggestions here.

In Free Software we usually don't tell people what to do, we expect
coders to be independent enough to see by their own means what they
can contribute. Also since I don't know your coding skills, it would
be quite hard to tell you what to work on.

Also, there are many more bugs than just the Junior Jobs, feel free to
browse through the bugs database and check the confirmed bugs and high
priority ones. Since you are in your 4th year I assume you should be
able to do more than just beginner work.

Just to avoid duplicate work: please make sure to post here if you
decide on some particular work you want to tackle, then we can go into
more details.

Regards, Myriam

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