Handling of lyrics for tracks not in the Local Collection

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Sun Nov 3 09:31:00 UTC 2013

Hi CHinmay,

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Chinmay Bapat <cdbapat92 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm working on Bug 306563
> For a track that is in the Local collection, when lyrics are edited by the
> user they are saved to the database.
> For a track that is not, there is no entry in the database (What is the real
> condition for having an entry in the db? Is it being in the local
> collection?) and if the user edits lyrics they are not saved anywhere.
> How should this be handled?
> For tags like Artist, when a user edits the tag it is updated in the db and
> the file's id3 tags, or just in the id3 tags if it is not in the collection.
> If lyrics cannot be saved, shouldn't the user not  be given the impression
> that they are being saved?

The collection is there for a reason: to show what the user has. It
makes little to no sense to start handling tracks that are not in the
collection, if the users has them they should be added to the
collection first. One can add a lot of sources to the collection,
depending on whether a device is connected or not they will show or
Multiple collections to be handled by the database is a completely
different matter and subject of a (different) feature request

Regards, Myriam

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