Merging of Tomahawk-Integration into Amarok-Master

Dominik Schmidt domme at
Tue Mar 26 18:02:11 UTC 2013

Hey Lucas,

how are you? Life's still stressful? Hope you're doing okay :)

Quite a few months have passed now since I rebased and merged your stuff 
into Tomahawk but your work on the Amarok side is still lying around and 
the danger of going to bitrot increases with every day while master 
diverges.. it would be very sad to lose all the work you put into it 
during last summer when things become unmergable..

We should really get this done!

Also we have rough plans of having a new feature release of Tomahawk 
soon with your stuff in, would be cool to test Amarok against it, so the 
Amarok release with your work in would not need to depend on the 
Tomahawk version after the upcoming (in case we detect any problems)..

If you're not up for getting this done on your own - although it was 
your job maybe someone else from the Amarok team would be able to and 
willing to help? But we really need to to know what's up...

Please let us know!

Best regards,

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