Handbook - nag

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Thu Jul 18 17:27:35 UTC 2013

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Valorie Zimmerman <valorie at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Myriam Schweingruber <myriam at kde.org> wrote:lsits
>> Hi everyone,
>> Please everybody, don't forget we have an upcoming release and the
>> handbook is in serious need of an update. I have added some
>> screenshots the other day, but there is a lot of work, especially in
>> proofreading that the features are described properly, and the
>> screenshots really reflect the current state. Some are really
>> outdated.
> On that note, I've been trying to update the new user screenshot for
> 2.8. I have a nice screenie, uploaded it to *replace* the 2.4 one,
> which (disturbingly to me) renames it to the old 2.4 name. More
> important, it isn't displaying, although it shows as the current file
> in the file history.

you just change the name in the text as well, not just the screenshot,
else it will use the name it is linked from, that means yes, checking
each page individually.

It's rather easy, but annoying and a lot of work, I have been going
through about 20 pages the other day already and added attention notes
in the pages.

Updating a screenshot just as a file is not going to work, you need to
give it a new name, ideally have the version number in the name, check
the screenshots on the beginning pages I already changed.

>> Unfortunately somebody updated all Category tags to 2.8 without
>> checking everything, that is not a good policy. So please, take extra
>> care that everything is ready for the 2.8 release.
>> I am subscribed to all wiki pages, strangely I haven't seen any
>> updates in the last few days, and I seem to recall that this was a
>> promised work for Akademy. So please, if you promise something, then
>> do so or give an update if you can't, but don't just let it slip.
>> It would be really sad if I were again the only one doing all the work :(
> It is nice to hear reminders to do the work, but please leave
> sentences such as the above unsaid. It is really demotivating. Some of
> my work has just been checking; I actually have been working.

Then please say so, if you don't change anything then I will not see
it and I had the impression nobody but me was working on it. We used
to have an agreement to announce on IRC or in the ML when one was
working on it, remember?

I can't see you reading, sorry, not sitting in the same room, so I
need to be told when work is ongoing, and that's why we have IRC
channels and mailing lists and blogs and G+ etc. It's not my fault my
dad is in the hospital and I can't be there, this was demotivating
enough for me already, no need to turn the knife :( I have to rely on
people telling me what they are working on, not even seeing you
responsive on IRC and seeing no reports whatsoever about Amarok work
at Akademy is what triggered that mail, as I had the impression you
were all partying very hard (that's what the various blogs and G+ pics
show) and not working very hard (that's what the blogs didn't mention:
what you are working on), I think there are enough means to
communicate the ongoing work, but you need to do that: communicate

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