Interested in Amarok

Matěj Laitl matej at
Wed Jan 9 22:27:49 UTC 2013

On 8. 1. 2013 Kesha Shah wrote:
> Hello,


> I am B. Tech 2nd Year student at DA-IICT, newly introduced to KDE by
> Yash Shah and proficient in C++. I am interested in getting involved
> with Amarok. Can you guide me about the projects and developments that
> are currently being worked upon in this field. I am willing to
> contribute in Amarok.

Great! First, please give kudos to Yash for the evangelizing work, I (and for 
sure the rest of the Amarok team) hope we'll have a change to meet him (and 
you) in Randa again. :-)

Getting started in Amarok development is easy, Myriam already provided many 
useful links, I'll add some more things that came to my mind. Good idea might 
be to subscribe to amarok at and amarok-devel at k.o mailing lists.

I also propose that you start with trying to fix one of our Junior Jobs (link 
in wiki, some of them may end up not being that junior, don't get scared) or 
any other little Amarok bug that annoys you. There's a lot of things to learn 
wrt Qt, kdelibs, memory management, event-based GUI programming, multi-
threading etc., the good part is that it's kinda fun to learn them gradually 
while having patches reviewed on

BTW, this is an excellent timing to start thinking about Google Summer of 
Code, if you don't have something else planned for summer, start considering 
participating in it real hard.


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