GSoC submissions: some reminders

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Apr 29 12:05:19 UTC 2013

Hi all,

just a few requests and reminders:

* All students: don't forget the Student Application Deadline: May 03
at 19:00 UTC

* when you make a GSoC Proposal submission, please do so in the mail
itself, as it makes commenting on it much easier. Since you also don't
have other choices on Melange, you can simply copy-paste what you do
there to this mailing list.

* Please make sure to always post your proposal in this mailing list,
as not all Amarok developers are registered mentors for various
reasons. This will allow everybody to read your proposals.

* All mentors: please register as a mentor on google-melange and don't
forget to ask the KDE GSoC admins to approve you, Valorie and Teo who
read here are admins btw, just ask them :) And don't forget to
subscribe to the mentors list!

* Please also send the public comments you make in Melange to this
mailing list, same reason as above.

* Everybody involved in GSoC: you must subscribe to kde-soc at if
this is not already the case, as important messages will always show

Regards, Myriam
Proud member of the Amarok and KDE Community
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