[amarok] src/core-impl/collections/nepomukcollection: api changes for nepomuk2

Matěj Laitl matej at laitl.cz
Sat Nov 24 15:46:56 UTC 2012

On 23. 11. 2012 Phalgun Guduthur wrote:
> Git commit ce1e16906c9ce438f0ccc4c7808891da18fbcc30 by Phalgun Guduthur.
> Committed on 23/11/2012 at 15:47.
> Pushed by guduthur into branch 'master'.
> cmake changes for Nepomuk2
> Git commit 8ef74e1dcfe079f591a43a7a7e29e1cb4e0ad171 by Phalgun Guduthur.
> Committed on 23/11/2012 at 15:48.
> Pushed by guduthur into branch 'master'.
> api changes for nepomuk2

Yay, thanks for porting and avoiding the deprecation warning.

The first commit doesn't build without the second one though. Phalgun, every 
commit must build and Amarok must start. For future, you must squash such 
commits into one. Again, `git rebase -i <starting point>`

We should think of commits like a "minimal self-contained logical change". For 
example, when you rename a method, the commit should contain the raname of 
declaration, definition and all of the uses. Another good example is "Fix 
formatting in File.cpp" or "Clean-up includes in nepomukcollecion".

On a more marginal note, the first commit introduces tabs in src/core-
impl/collections/nepomukcollection/CMakeLists.txt - we don't like these and 
I'll fix it in my next commit.


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