Tomahawk Integration Status

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Mon Nov 19 11:53:43 UTC 2012

Hi Lucas,

On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 3:56 AM, Lucas Lira Gomes <x8lucas8x at> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> as the only GSoC project that isn't yet fully finished, I believe that I owe
> you an explanation about its current status. I had worked a lot in it this
> weekend and got several things done.
> To begin with, Libtomahawk often slows down my plans with some unexpected
> but necessary last-minute refactoring. At the moment, for instance, I'm
> solving some problems with tomahawk's #defines mess. After that, I expect it
> to be "ready" for third-party usage.
> Likewise, It worth to mention that I had worked hard to minimise unnecessary
> dependencies and that was one of the things that delayed my original
> scheduled even more. That means, considering current implementation, we'll
> need to include libechonest, libattica and quazip among our own
> dependencies.
> With regard to how libtomahawk will be shipped, It'll be like our
> amaroklibs. In other words, the user/packager would be able to choose at
> compile time if he/she want to build only libtomahawk or the full tomahawk
> app. Furthermore, Its headers files are already installed, so it'll be just
> as an ordinary shared library at the end.

Thanks a lot for your feedback and for your work!

> In spite of that, I believe I'm getting closer to a satisfactory state.
> Just need some more work.

Do you have a rough time frame you could give us for this?

Regards, Myriam
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