GSoC Report: Integrate Spotify into Amarok

Ryan Feng odayfans at
Sat Jul 14 14:46:56 UTC 2012


   The last report already showed that the Spotify plugin has been loaded
correctly and the collection is working, but sometimes the search results
are inserted into the collection but fail showing up in the collection, now
my next move is to fix that problem.

Here's a list of already known issues and todos:

   - Slot SpotifyQueryMaker::collectResults() is connected but will never
   be executed, I think it is because the SpotifyQueryMaker is deleted before
   the results are returned. I added addToCollection() in Query::tracksAdded()
   to work around this.   Currently the SpotifyCollection::querymaker()
   creates and returns a new SpotifyQueryMaker object when called, but it's
   not encouraged to do so.
   - Track length is always zero
   - Track tags are missing after Amarok reload


   - Create a SpotifyQueryMaker object, reuse it and try to fix the problem.
   - Fix SpotifyCollection::trackForUrl() to load track tags when starting
   - Create a configuration dialog to input Spotify username and password.

Repos: in the `gsoc-spotify` branch


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