Amarok installer size

Sven Krohlas sven at
Tue Jan 3 14:19:23 UTC 2012

Hash: SHA1


Bart Cerneels wrote:
> Is this really so important w.r.t. all the other things on the TODO? I would not spend any time
> on a marginal (1.1/88) reduction of installer size if it take mare then half an hour. We've got
> plenty of bugs/features/UI improvements to focus on.

have you ever told a Windows user to install Amarok and sat right next
to the person while doing so? The first thing all of them said to me
was something like "Woooah, 88 MB? Really?".

We now officially support the Windows version, so now this is a major
issue. Apart from that I think I've clearly shown that we also are not
looking that well compared to our competitors on *nix. Where that 1 MB
is about 1/8 of the whole package size (!). Packagers complained about
our relatively large package size in the past. Especially for live CDs
this is a major problem.

Apart from that TheOneRing and I were able to reduce the 2.5.0 portable
archive size from about 80 MB to 68 MB yesterday (exactly the size of the
iTunes installer), that's a reduction of 15 % in a few hours. Not the other
MB from before. ;-)

Now that I understand how the packaging process works I'm quite sure we
can relatively easy bring it down to less than 50 MB without any loss of
functionality. Maybe even less, it's hard to tell. This would enable PC
magazines to ship Amarok on their CDs.
- -- 
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