clamz as Amazon downloader in Amarok

Benjamin Moody benjamin.moody at
Tue Jan 3 05:37:02 UTC 2012

> Hi Benjamin,
> as you might have heard Amarok now features an Amazon MP3 Store Plugin
> since version 2.5.0. I'm the guy responsible for that code.

Cool.  I don't use Amarok myself, but it looks like this could be a
nice alternative to searching for albums through the web store.

> But one quite important piece of the puzzle is still missing: An integrated
> downloader for the MP3s. As clamz already seems to handle the job quite well
> I consider using clamz as a backend for .amz downloading.

I'm not sure how this would work.  You'd still need to start a web
browser in order for the user to complete the purchase, wouldn't you?
Or is there an API that you could use to complete the purchase within

Do you know if Amazon's "Cloud Player" service is available worldwide?
 At least in the US, when you purchase a song or album, you can choose
to store it in your "cloud drive" rather than downloading it
immediately; you can later download songs from the "cloud" as many
times as you want (either one file at a time through your web browser,
or multiple files using clamz.)  There's also supposed to be a way for
you to upload your own files to the cloud, but I think that requires
the official Windows client.  It's just an idea, but you might find
the cloud player easier to work with than the regular web store.
Plus, it's nice to have a "backup" of the files you've purchased.

> Have you (or your users) tested clamz on other platforms than *nix? Like
> Windows and Mac? Does it work there?

I haven't tried it.  I don't see any reason it shouldn't work on OS X.
 On Windows, there might be some issues with binary vs. text files,
and with files larger than 2 GB (which probably isn't an issue for the
time being, but it's at least worth thinking about.)

> If it does I tend to make it an Amarok dependency and create a GUI in Amarok
> for handling .amz files.

Well, good luck, and let me know if there's anything I can do to help.


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