[Tomahawk Integration] GSoC Final Report

Teo Mrnjavac teo at kde.org
Wed Aug 15 09:06:19 UTC 2012

On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 4:54 AM, Lucas Lira Gomes <x8lucas8x at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> for the general happiness, herein I announce that the playlist
> synchronisation is working perfectly in both directions. Also, I solved some
> problems with the track resolution process of the MetaProxy class. So, I'd
> love to receive any feedback if possible. On the other hand, if you are out
> of time to give it a spin, then just wait for a complete coverage of the
> results in my next blog post.
Awesome! I'll be sure to check it out when I get the chance!

> Although the tomahawk service core is ready, there still some work to do in
> order for it to be even more awesome. So, here goes my plans for 2.7:
> A new context view applet to see what your friends have been listening
> to(playback history).

You might want to coordinate with Riccardo (ruphy) on that one. If he
manages to make it feature complete enough, 2.7 could ship with his
redesigned context view.

> Make it possible to listen along with any of your friends(this needed
> something like the feature above, so I postponed this too).
> Show you friend avatar in GTalk/Jabber connections, instead of a generic
> icon of the earth.
> Show relevant info about Tomahawk service in Amarok's diagnostics dialog.
> Create a simple garbage collector for TomahawkRegistry class, this way
> optimising the overall memory management of the service (like we have in
> SqlRegistry).
> Any more ideas? Usability tips? Suggestions?
> The list above could be even bigger, but I'm only focusing on things
> directly related to my GSoC project. Tomahawk surely has great ideas,
> naturally we should consider borrowing some of them in a near future.

Yay for that!

> Last but not least, we still need to create a separate branch for
> libtomahawk. That will be my priority after the firm 'pencils down' date,
> since this prevents the project to be merged with master. Sorry for that
> guys, but the time was strict.

What timeframes are we looking at, by your best estimates, for merging
to master in both Amarok and Tomahawk?

Teo Mrnjavac
http://teom.org  |  teo at kde.org

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