Identifying iPod and iPhone-like devices using Solid (was: Amarok review request)

Matěj Laitl matej at
Sat Nov 5 16:50:11 UTC 2011

On 27. 10. 2011 Bart Cerneels wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 16:05, Matěj Laitl <matej at> wrote:
> > On 25. 10. 2011 Bart Cerneels wrote:
> >> Looks like quite a few pretty ugly hacks are needed for proper iP*
> >> detection with the current mediadevice codebase. In the near future
> >> (post 2.5 release) we should together try to find a simpler and
> >> easier to maintain solution.
> > 
> > I've looked around a bit and the situation seems rather sad:
> >  * solid knows nothing about media-player-info or usbmuxd and its udev
> > PortableMediaPlayer implementation is just a stub [1], furthermore it
> > doesn't even currently attach PortableMediaPlayer interface to relevant
> > devices as it checks udev env ID_MEDIA_PLAYER against numeric 1 (gphoto
> > remnant) [2,3], but media-player-info attaches normalised player name
> > there.
> Sounds to me like we need to get media-player-info implemented and
> deployed in Solid as fast as possible. But I'm not against
> implementing it completely in Amarok either, especially if that means
> it will also work seamless on windows.

Thank you for your input, guys, in order not to just talk, there's a patch, a 
reborn of Alex Merry's dropped one:

This is the "boring" first part, the more interesting is the one that deals 
with hooking up udisks devices to underlying udev devices. I have something 
nearly-working, but it's an ugly hack. I will post that part later.

Special thanks goes to Alex Merry who managed to report & fix most of the 
upstream problems with ID_MEDIA_PLAYER.

Looking forward for your reviews,
													Matěj Laitl

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